Managing dangerous substances, body detoxication
Clean Environs, Clear Mind.
It is not only active use of drugs that poses a health risk, as subcutaneous doses too may cause chronic intoxication. Members of security forces generally operate in unknown and potentially hazardous environment with high occurrence of psychoactive substances („drugs“) and chemicals.
The objective of the DETOXIKON Project is to minimise effects of hazardous psychoactive substances contaminating workplaces with presence of security forces employees using labour safety and health protection good practices concerning handling of evidence, suitable care for service vehicles and clothing, suitable tactical procedures prior to, during, and after service actions. Together with the healthy life-style setup decreases the risk of heath problems.
The DETOXIKON Project was originated on the basis of long-term co-operation between VAKOS XT a.s., CBRN Dicision, and the Department of Specialised Methods, Service Facility, Ministry of the Interior, with the objective of implementing individual and collective protective measures against hazardous substances for all security services not only in the Czech Republic but worldwide.